Sponsor Us
Help us bring more music to Ferndale! Your sponsorship gift will help enrich the community by inspiring individuals and families through a musical experience. Your contribution will be used to further the Ferndale Community Concert Band's mission by funding concerts, ensembles, productions, webcasts, capital, and technology infrastructure.
Presenting Sponsor
Donation: $10,000
(limited to one sponsor)
Sponsorship supports the purchase of music, instruments, projects and performances.
Naming rights for all concerts and events
Mention of the presenting sponsor in opening announcements at concerts and events
Name and logo (if applicable) on all print work and signage
Brand recognition in a full page ad, on the Back Cover of concert programs
Name and logo (if applicable) showcased on the Front Cover of concert programs
Company website recognition with a link to the FCCB website, (if applicable) at (www.fcconcertband.org)))
Contact fcconcertband@gmail.com to become a sponsor.

Supporting Sponsor
Donation: $5,000
Sponsorship provides funding for print work, marketing, sound and lighting. As well as, to help purchase instruments and equipment.
Name and logo (if applicable) will be showcased
as the supporting sponsor on the Second Cover of
concert programs
Website recognition with link on the FCCB website, (if applicable) at (www.fcconcertband.org)
Contact fcconcertband@gmail.com to become a sponsor
Performance Sponsor
Donation: $2,500
Sponsorship provides funding for lighting and sound technician services, conductor fee, program and poster printing, music and stipend paid for use of Ferndale Middle School band room for rehearsals and Ferndale High School auditorium for concert performances.
Name and logo, (if applicable) listed as the performance sponsor in concert programs
Mention of performance sponsor in opening announcements at concerts and events
Contact fcconcertband@gmail.com to become a sponsor
Band Equipment Sponsor
Donation: $1,000
Sponsorship helps to offset the cost of rental fees and instrument repairs
Name and logo (if applicable) listed as the band equipment sponsor in concert programs
Contact fcconcertband@gmail.com to become a sponsor
Community Engagement Sponsor
Donation: $500
Sponsorship helps to support special events and/or performances
Name and logo (if applicable) listed in concert programs as community engagement sponsor
Mention of community engagement sponsor in opening announcements at concerts and events
Contact fcconcertband@gmail.com to become a sponsor
Music Sponsor
Donation: $500
Sponsorship helps to build a quality music library and associated materials for protecting and storing music
Name and logo (if applicable) listed as the music sponsor in concert programs
Mention as the sponsor of a particular piece of music being performed at the concert
Contact fcconcertband@gmail.com to become a sponsor
Patron Sponsor
Donation: $50
Name listed in concert programs as patron sponsor
Contact fcconcertband@gmail.com to become a sponsor